
Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

  1. Email us your research manuscript at or online submission facility for menuscript also available on website menu.
  2. Send us the Copyright Form/Letter of Authenticity , duly signed in , send a scanned copy (to the email addresses mentioned above) or a hard copy back to us at the mentioned address for its consideration for review and further processing.
  3. You may be notified for any minor/major edits or changes in your article (if required). If your Research Manuscript/Article meets the standards and guidelines for the quality of publication in our journal, you will be notified via email for the same.
  4. You will be notified via email upon successful inclusion of your article for publication in our journal.

General Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

  1. Original research work covering multidisciplinary subject will be considered only for its web/online publication (no print edition).
  2. The author/s should provide with the original manuscript, a letter of authenticity dully signed by all the contributors/co-authors, if any.
  3. At the time of submission, the manuscript should be free from any grammatical and scientific errors. It should be emailed to  for its consideration for publishing. Submission of the manuscript does not ensure that it will be published.
  4. The Research Article should be neatly typed and submitted in MS-Word format and not in pdf .
  5. The research paper should have at least 3 keywords relevant to the topic/subject area of the article.
  6. The abstract should not be more than 250-300 words.
  7. The Title of the Research Paper should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size: 16. The Sub-Titles should be of the same font of the size 14 and bold. Abstract and keyword font size 10 and italic. All the other text should have the font size 12 and Normal. Page A4 size, Margin Top, Bottom, Left, Right,-1. For research papers in English – Times New Romen Font, Hindi – Mangal Font,  and Gujarati – Shruti Font accepted.
  8. Images used, if any should be only jpeg, gif or png. You should own the copyright of the image that you submit along with research article. And they should be free from any third-party copyrights, and not taken from any websites without owning its necessary rights in written. The Editor of this journal shall not be held liable for that.
  9. Figures and tables should be numbered and inserted directly into the text/article. The contributors can insert figures/images wherever applicable OR they can simply put all the images and tables at the last (before references) but they should be numbered and in a proper format.
  10. Any communication regarding the submission of manuscript along with letter of authenticity, should be forwarded to
  11. This is an open access journal which is free to download & search for related articles, we hereby request the authors to publish only the original content that can help the entire scientific community. We will highly recommend that every research paper should accompany with itself, the name/s, addresses, phone number/s , email id/s of corresponding author/s. It will help for better communication between the editor and the author/s.
  12. Since this is a free to download, open-access journal for publishing your research articles, we hereby request you to do the necessary editing of the research document. Charts, Photographs, Microscopic images (If any) should be also added like wise and be edited as per their size:ratio limits. 
  13. All the contributors must send us this Copyright Form/ Letter of Authenticity (dully filled in) to the address mentioned inside.
  14. If we find any plagiarism issues associated with your article/s, it will be immediately removed from the site and unpublished.
  15. Authors are requested to send mail if they need Hardcopy certificate of Publication after Publish their papers.


The views expressed in the published articles, Research Papers, etc. are their writer’s own. ‘ HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE (Online ISSN :______-______)’ does not take any liability regarding approval/disapproval by any university, institute, academic body, and others. The agreement of the Editor, Editorial Board, or Research ‘ HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE (Online ISSN :______-______)’ is not necessary. Disputes, If any shall be decided by the court at Vav, Gujarat, India